Monday, 30 June 2014

Dr Seuss

I am the biggest Dr Seuss fan. I just felt like sharing some of my favourite quotes by Dr Seuss. His work is so unique and perfect for young learners. You need Dr Seuss in your class ! 

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Multiple Intelligences

As a young learner I always felt like I was missing something in the classroom . I loved learning new things but the methods of teaching was not working for me . I always felt there had to be other ways to approach it .

When I came to University and I heard about Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences , I though it was the most BRILLIANT thing I have ever heard . I could immediately place myself under specific intelligences and then I understood why I struggled in school . I was different and I needed to be taught differently . This is why I am a strong believer of this theory . These intelligences will make learning interesting for every learner and will ensure success in the classroom for all learners.

I came across this article about the multiple intelligences by Bruce Campbell . Although it is a bit out of date , I though it was a very interesting and helpful article .

Monday, 23 June 2014

Universal Design for Learning

Today I discovered something that represents exactly what I stand for. Learners are diverse in EVERY way. Learners think differently, react differently, learn differently. These are only a few differences and it's already enough evidence that you cannot teach all children with the same method. You cannot expect the same results from every child if you do not give them a chance to be educated to their specific needs. The Universal Design for Learning is an amazing way to address the diversity in the classroom.

Welcome to my blog

When given the instructions to create a blog, I was overcome with ideas on what it could be about! I have so much to say about so many subjects. But I decided on one specific subject that I feel very strong about , and which I aim to improve in my career as an Educator . The subject I chose to focus on is diversity in the classroom and working with the diversities to create the perfect inclusive classroom.

A child is NOT JUST ANOTHER BRICK IN THE WALL, they are individual beings who are born with a thirst for knowledge. They dream big and live big! Children should be given the opportunity to develop their individual personalities and grow in their own unique way.

Let them be them.
