Saturday, 20 September 2014

Practical Teaching

I just finished 9 weeks of practical teaching. It was so insightful. First of all I realised that teaching is the only job for me. It actually does not feel like a job at all because I enjoy it so much. Secondly, I grew so much as an educator. Being a teacher in the environment I was in was one of the biggest challenges of my entire life. The school was in a poor community and the learners had no support and encouragement at home. They were undisciplined and ungrateful, but they had so much potential and love. It might have been a challenge to teach them, but I loved it! Lastly I just realised more and more how important it is to realise that learners differ immensely and one has to work with those differences. I had the most diverse class I have ever seen, and it was a challenge teaching them. One has to work with different intelligences, strengths and weaknesses. It put my knowledge to the test and I tried my best to succeed. I cannot wait to have my own class and build the perfect classroom.

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